29 August 2018

LMH Mixtape #75: Food

We learned a lot of things in The Legacy Music Hour's food-themed episode.  We learned that Brent loves peanut butter and candy, Rob prefers dinner and/or cake, and that Penta the Yume Penguin Monogatari penguin really needs to find a partner who appreciates him just the way he is.  These mixtapes are an absolutely judgment-free zone, so don't you start worrying about your figures too, users.  Fill up on these tracks, and then come back for seconds!


Instant new favorite:  Yume Penguin Monogatari - Stage 2
Other instant new favorite:  Zool: Ninja of the 'Nth' Dimension - World 3 (Fruits and Vegetables)
Brewed new favorite:  Cool World - Candy Land

Track listing and original episode:


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