06 February 2019

Episode 209: Creed II

In Episode 209, the boizz talk a little bit about France, Mary Poppins, and Seinfeld’s possible copy of SimCity for the NES, but Brent really talks a lot about Creed II, that is, his own version of it.  The boizz also spent a lot of time understanding the Sonic influence in a 1989 PC Engine track (Sonic came out in 1991).  Full track listing below.

Game - Composer - Song - Company - Console - Year (North American release unless otherwise indicated)

Sagaia - Hisayoshi Ogura, Iku Mizutani (arr.) - War Oh! (Boss Scene 1) - Natsume/Taito - Sega Master System (Europe) - 1992

Side Pocket - Masaaki Iwasaki (Koremasa), Emi Shimizu - Chillin’ - Data East - Genesis - 1992

The Cyber Shinobi - Sherike Nuki, Sheriko Dama - Outside The Base - Sega - Sega Master System (Europe) - 1990

Magician Lord - Hiroaki Shimizu - Dale of Evil Gods (Stage 1) - ADK/SNK - Neo Geo - 1991

Terra Cresta II: Mandler no Gyakushuu - Akihiro Akamatu, Sachiko Oita - Formation Design/Game Start/Hyperspace (Player Start) - Nichibutsu - PC Engine - 1992

Rampart - unknown - Ending Theme - Tengen - Genesis - 1991

Hany in the Sky - Atsuko Iwanaga - For the Gloomy Gods - Sankindo/Face - PC Engine - 1989

Alien 3 - Matt Furniss - Stage Two - Probe Entertainment/Arena - Genesis - 1992

The Great Battle V - Kennosuke Suemura, Norihiko Togashi - Hotel Dada - Sun L/Banpresto - Super Famicom - 1995

Gley Lancer - Masanori Hikichi, Noriyuki Iwadare, Yoshiaki Kubotera, Isao Mizoguchi - Normal Ending - NCS - Mega Drive - 1992

SimCity - Soyo Oka - Megalopolis - Nintendo - NES - 1991 (unreleased)


  1. The Cyber Shinobi piece was definitely the stand out track for me this episode. Shout out to Darren Deluxe for sharing it!

  2. Creed II might be Oscar-nominated for 'Best Turns', but this episode definitely won that award with all the revelations: be it Brent's flatscreen TV announcement, the Seinfeld SimCity trivia, or that uncanny Hani in the Sky track - Woah/War Oh! I really hope that exhuming this Haniwa from the ground hasn't brought about bad luck to the chillin' LMH boizz - whilst I'm all for Animal Crossing, a certain unnamed blue hedgehog is one animal I wouldn't want to cross paths with (least of all from his legal team). Maybe it's better to bury that track back where you found it, before anymore trouble from those gloomy gods grows larger? Although judging by Brent's uncensored "schnipp" at 56:56, it seems like the curses are flying already...

    Anyway, another quite satisfactory (hiccup!) episode! Loved the drums on that Terra Cresta II track. Super cool to hear about Rob treating Mom F Switch to a trip to the land of SECAM. And exciting to hear about the new mixtape schedule - does anyone want to attempt to work out when the number of episodes and mixtapes will eventually meet up at 200%? I tried to do the maths but, y'know, homework. Either way, I'll keep being a dedicated user until that fateful day arrives!


    1. Good re-cap! Almost seemed like an episode description they would use. But Brent said the word "shoot" -he would never say the actually sh-word or allow it on the show.

  3. The Cyber Shinobi's Outside The Base sounds vaguely like Caveman Games' Title Screen on NES to me. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    Link to YouTube Clip: https://youtu.be/wNSK_3AX-kk?t=13
    It has the same slide but on beat 1 instead of beat 4.

  4. "Hotel Dada" reminds me a bit of Mega Man X2's ending theme (particularly the beginning guitar melody), especially in the beginning.

  5. Okay, it’s a CRAZY coincidence, but I still think the shared Sonic/Hani music phrasing is a coincidence. The reason is that Nakamura wrote the Sonic music, but he didn’t arrange it. He wasn’t that familiar with games at the time, having said that when he was asked to compose Sonic’s music, he was imagining the music would be like Space Invaders. Additionally, he composed the music using synthesizers, and the resulting audio cassette was used by Sega to be arranged onto the Genesis. Lastly, Nakamura was in the middle of writing and recording an album for his band. While it’s possible that Nakamura or the arranger had heard and copied the music from Hani in the Sky, it’s pretty unlikely.

  6. You guys should submit your podcast to google music so I can listen to it on there! Great cast I love the music and the commentary!

  7. I had to think for a while, but I came up with what the "lime koshers/crocious" from the Mary Poppins scene could be: lime cordial. A quick Google says that's correct. Dee-licious!

    1. I watched the movie clip myself shortly after Brent mentioned it and understood what the kid said straight away being from the land of PAL myself, but I can appreciate how that kid's accent might be fairly impenetrable for non-Limeys (ha). Cordial thanks for sharing your Mmm Poppin' detective work!

  8. Haniwa have also made appearances in various Final Fantasy and Kirby games. In U.S. versions of Final Fantasy I believe they are called "Cactuar."
