26 August 2012

Live Recording: Episode 100

To honor the 100th episode of The Legacy Music Hour, Brent and Rob are inviting the listeners and anyone else interested to sit in on the recording.  This is just like a normal free play episode where Brent and Rob pick some tracks and comment on them, except there will be some extra microphones so that anyone who attends can chime in and comment as well.  Previous LMH guests will also make appearances.  So think of this as a sort of listening party or like a regular episode but with a lot more guests than usual.

The recording will take place at noon on Sunday, September 23, 2012 at Nerdist@Meltdown in Los Angeles, CA.  It'll take about two hours to record.  If you live in the area, feel free to come and bring who ever you like, as long as they won't be bored by people listening and talking about video game music.

The Legacy Music Hour 100th Episode Recording
September 23th, 2012
12pm - 2pm
7522 Sunset Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90046


  1. You should have some live chat thing for us out of staters (or oversea-ers like me!)

    1. Hey Kenny, that's a good idea. We'll looking into that...

    2. Yeah, I agree! A livestream with live chat would be awesome, if you can set it up!

  2. Sweet. I'll be there.

    Also, Brent, when are you scheduled to perform at FYF?

    1. Sunday, Show 4, around 3pm, right after Brendon Walsh and before David Cross.

  3. Where can I listen to the podcast of this episode?

    1. Were you guys never able to post this episode?

    2. https://www.legacymusichour.com/2012/09/episode-100-free-play-10-live.html
