24 July 2024

LMH Mixtape #220: Movements

"Movements" became the theme of Episode 220 and there are a lot of different types of movements showcased here.  Sometimes a track has that "get up and get moving" energy like "Rainy City Night (Street Race 11)" from Kat's Run: Zen Nihon K Car Senshuken, which is great for a race or just cruising down the road.  "Title Theme" from J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings: Volume 1 is a classical sounding piece of music that is calming and whimsical, as opposed to the slightly unnerving track "Opening" from Psycho Dream, which features some almost ghostly baby laughs.

Tracks like "Explosive Situation" from Final Fight 3, have both "explosive" energy musically and can also tell the story of an impending "movement" of the gastrointestinal type that may result in a different type of "Explosive Situation" (listen to the full episode to understand that reference). 

Capping off this mixtape is a track from The Great Battle V, which takes clear inspiration from Chrono Trigger.  While maybe not the most "original" sounding track, it is still an absolutely fantastic piece of music, and is very moving in its own right.


Instant Favorite: The Great Battle V - Mountain Path
Another Instant Favorite: Kat's Run: Zen Nihon K Car Senshuken - Rainy City Night (Street Race 11)
Has That Iconic Capcom Prog Rock/Jazz Fusion Sound: Final Fight 3 - Explosive Situation

Track listing and original episode:

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