21 September 2016

LMH Mixtape #48: Keith Apicary and Nathan Barnatt

Dear Users, do you remember your first LMH episode?  KeyGlyph does.  It was Episode 48!  Keith Apicary and Nathan Barnatt both visited the headquarters way back when, and they each brought a list of games; from those games the boizz compiled a decidedly Sega-heavy setlist of tunes, which you can now listen to in mixtape form, several years later, as compiled by KeyGlyph.  In some weird kind of way it's like things have just come around full circle.  Try to fight off the motion sickness, and enjoy!


Instant new favorite: Road Rash - Sierra Navada
Other instant new favorite: Flashback: The Quest for Identity - Ending Theme
Brewed new favorite: Solar Striker - Ending

Blatant Favoritism Award: Sonic the Hedgehog 3 - Angel Island Zone Act 1

Track listing and original episode:


1 comment:

  1. You guys should publish your podcast/mixtapes to Google Play! https://play.google.com/music/podcasts/publish
