18 December 2019

LMH Mixtape #107: Board Games

Board games and video games might seem like apples and oranges at first glance, but that analogy really sells their relationship short -- especially when they're combined!  The mixtape result of this entertainment fusion is also the perfect backdrop for contemplating further philosophical concepts, such as, "Is Connect Four a board game?" and "Has Rob F. Switch finally played Clue by now?"  So enjoy these jams from Legacy Music Hour Episode 107, which are not only THE jam, but just JAM.


Instant new favorite:  Kishin Douji Zenki: Tenchi Meidou - Diamond Realm
Other instant new favorite:  Asameshimae Nyanko - Mesa

Brewed new favorite:  The Chessmaster - Title Theme
Other brewed new favorite:  The Monopoly Game 2 - Rule and History

Track listing and original episode:


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